Sunday, July 17, 2011

Day 30 A picture of someone you miss

its not just one.. I miss all of them!!

Day 29- A picture that can always make me smile

Day 28 A picture of something that I am afraid of

I don't like spiders and snakes... actually .. I can handle the spiders.. its the snakes and lizards that I am afraid of.. go figure.. I know I am bigger then them.. but... my brain does that fight or flight.. mostly FLIGHT!! LOL

Day 27 A picture of yourself with a family member

Day 26 Something that means a lot to me

I love to camp!!!

Day 25

a picture of my day.... I spend most of my days at home... this is my view.. I love my house..

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day 24

A picture of something you wish you could change...

the way I see myself...

Day 23

A picture of your favorite book...

Day 22

A picture of something you wish you were better at....

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Day 21

A picture of something you wish you could forget

painful memories... but I realize without pain... real true pain.. you don't appreciate JOY!!! you can have regrets.. you can have sorrow..and pain.. you have have excitement, and JOY... and happiness too... its your choice what you want to focus your attention on..I chose happiness... to be content.. to have peace.. enuf said!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Day 20

A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel

my dream vacation was... Hawaii, Figi, New Zealand, Australia.. I have been to Hawaii, 3 of the islands.. but doesn't mean I wouldn't want to go back :) and saw a bit of Australia.. been to New South Wales and Victoria.. need to go north to the Great Barrier Reef..and would love to see how hot it is on the west..

Day 19

A picture and a letter

These are my kids.. about 10 years ago, as a parent you try to do your best for them. Not that you have to give them everything, but to train them up in the way they should go...showing them the beauty of life, experiencing things with them..from going camping.. to walking the trails in Yellowstone. Even though they were raised in the city, and a very big one I might add..I wanted to make sure they saw as much of this country as we could.. we did many road trips.. they have been to Canada on many occasions, we traveled most of the western states. There is much they still need to see..

Day 18

A picture of your biggest insecurity

wow... how do I take a picture of not being good enuf..or smart enuf..or fit enuf...

Day 17

A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently

moving to British Columbia has made a huge impact on my life.. lots of changes in my life!