Yes it's almost that time of year.. the tree is up, no stockings hung yet.. still need to get some shopping done. I am heading to Los Angeles for a week... was hoping I was going to hit some 80 plus temps.. but will have to settle for 70's. Staying at a hotel that has a pool and jacuzzi, and of course a gym.. hoping to get some time in there.. looking forward to doing some shopping, spending time with my kids. I have to admit, living north of the border, and it being so dang cold its hard to get motivated when your freezing your tushie off.. haha.. yes I said tushie! ah well..
I did have a surprise the other day from my dear sweet bf.. I came home after a long day.. had class then had to work. Work wasn't bad it was the class that seemed to last forever! (taking a tax course) anyway I passed the course-still waiting on the results of the 2nd class.. so we'll see (fingers still crossed) anyway.. coming home is always something I look forward to. It's such a joy coming home to someone who wants to see you and spend time with you.. anyway.. he surprised me with flowers!.. (I know! too sweet!) and then.. he shows me his 2 packages he bought.. wrapped for Christmas, and the part that I adore is how excited he is.. he's want to open them? you want to open them NOW? LOL.. YUP a big kid.. and I LOVE that.. cuz really I am like that too.. when I buy something for him that I know he's gonna love, I too want him to open it right away!.. haha..
So one of the gifts he did give me was a beautiful heart necklace!.. on the heart has a infinity on it.. I had to hold back the tears.. I was so touched by the thought that he put into it.. I love the romantic in him.. yup... I love him..
and I am going to miss him next week, I love being with him..I love the fact that we don't have to "do" anything.. just being with him, he makes me smile.. I will try not to gush too much about him... its nice to be able to be with someone that just enjoys.. enjoys being with you as much as you do them!
So as much as I am looking forward to going to LA... I am looking forward to spending another Christmas with my dear man...