Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Summer was short and sweet, and sadly there were some things I was not able to do this summer. See my kids is one of them.. would have loved to have been able to spend some quality time with them. I saw them briefly in June.. just as school was ending.. the weather was amazing.. When I got back to Canada.. it still took another month and a bit before we had the warm temps. Would have loved to have done some camping, some fishing and hiking would have been nice.. but it just wasn't in the books. And here we are in the middle of September already... I have started the tax courses again, to get myself advanced... we'll see how that pans out.. this may be my last year here though.. I mean really.. who knows what tomorrow will bring.. maybe for me.. a winning lotto number..? hey I can dream!!..

Dreams.. ya..sometimes I allow myself to get lost in those.. ever sit and think about where you are? what you're doing? I have to admit.. I do that more often now... but when you are alone.. you have the time to dwell.. on things past, present and future.. I know my past got me to where I am today.. the present.. but in that.. I often analyze the who what where and why of it.. especially when you find yourself in that "not so happy place"... ah.. I guess that's life.. some days good.. some not so... the question is.. when its not so... what can you do about it.. is it something you can change?? what are the reasons behind the "not so happy"... sadly for me.. its not always what I have done.. but how someone else has made me feel.. usually by their actions.. or words.. funny how sometimes we do things.. yet we don't see how it might affect someone else.. or maybe we do and its our selfishness that allows us to steam ahead. Be careful who you plow over..

Most of us are pretty resilient, and can take a beating.. (not the physical kind) I am talking the emotional kind. We are still able to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off.. and make a go of it.. But there comes a time when you say enough of this merry go round.. and you just opt out on your own.. easier to deal with frustration when its your own doing.. not someone doing it to you...

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