Sunday, November 13, 2011

11.11.11 looking back

I am a numbers person.. and I do have to admit.. that I took note of not just that date.. but when it was 11:11 am and then the pm again... its the same thing on my truck.. I watch the odometer as if something miraculous might just happen when it turns to an even number.. or when it hits the 150,000 or 160,000 not sure what I think will happen.. but I do take note of where I am at the time of those significant counts.. like it really matters.. LOL.. it doesn't I know this.. but do you ever think about big moments or maybe the not so big moments.. and you just want to etch it in your memory.. take note of the who, the where, the when and the how of it all.. ya.. that's me.. sometimes.. haha..
Feeling a bit off lately.. not sure if its the holidays coming up.. or just the whole time change.. getting darker earlier.. or maybe its something a lot deeper..but then.. do I really want to dig..?? sometimes when I do that.. I find things that I really don't want to find.. or have to face.. it's not that I don't have the courage to face certain things.. its having the strength to change those things that you don't like.
ah.. feel like I am rambling now.. this is what happens when you can't sleep.. and thoughts just keep coming in your head... silly movie on tv.. that I am half paying attention to.. cat snoring on the couch..
you think that's funny?? you should hear me snore!.. now that's funny.. and a bit disturbing if you're the one being kept awake by it..

have you ever been in a situation where you have people talking bad about you? they make up blatant lies.. just to make themselves look good.. or to feel better.. whatever their reasoning is..

do you over analyze where you are in your life? do you have a 3-5 year plan? are you open to what comes along.. or do you stick to your plan?

do you think outside the box when it comes to your life? or is it more along the lines of 2.5 kids and a house and a dog??

when you face adversity is it with a can do attitude.. or is the towel already in your hand?

and with this social networking world that we are in.. do you know all your facebook friends? or is it about the number of so called friends that you have listed? the one with the most wins?

do you value your time? your life? your friends? your family?
how do you show it

ever feel alone in a crowded room? or surrounded by people you know? yet you still feel very much alone?

ever wonder what other people are thinking? or what makes them tick?

how does your life experiences shape your attitude? are you more patient, or less forgiving?

how do you define yourself? is it the who you are..or what you are?

wow.. lot's in this head of mine tonight.. my apologies..
Guess I will be looking at these questions more closely.. ya.. that's my digging.

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