You are your own worst enemy- or your biggest cheerleader! It is a choice- a daily one that before you open your eyes to face the world, your mind becomes aware, conscious as you would call it..and the mind is a powerful tool. It can lead you, it can give you strength-knowing your a capable person- or it can play things that others have said or shared that knock you down. And that self doubt creeps in. How or why we do that to ourselves I don't know.. and even after years of doing it on your own there's still that question of can I? When does that go away? does it? How do you learn to be more confident? is it thru life experiences? cuz if that's true I should have loads of it! And how is it that we give others control in our lives? Are we not capable of making our own decisions, our own choices? We know ourselves better then anyone else..
I guess for me.. yeah.. I know who I am.. I know what I want.. unfortunately those don't always align with what others "think" I should do.. but again.. who's life is this anyway?? If I want to bunk up my life in the worst way imaginable.. well who's fault is it.. would be mine.. of course I don't look at life that way.. I certainly don't squander my life away.. well..I don't think I do.. maybe for others they may look at me and think ya.. what a waste.. she hasn't accomplished much.. I say.. I am not here to win medals of honor or glory.. I am here to be the best me I can.. and that is a person who is caring, loving, compassionate, trustworthy.. I like who I am.. I don't always like my circumstances.. but when you look at it.. that's brief too.. things change so quickly.. and life has a way of moving on.. going on.. guess my thing is..I don't want to just be a spectator.. I wanna play.. so this girl.. is grabbing the bull by the horns.. like they said.. life isn't easy, and sometimes you have to play hard.. or harder!!!
often wonder if people actually know their strengths, and their weaknesses...and I am not just saying what you're good at in life.. I mean your personality, your character, who you are, how you respond to situations... and most importantly if that view of oneself is accurate..
I am watching the Olympics and I have to wonder... the mental strengths of some peeps compared to others.. how one trains for that.. how does one keep that focus.. that determination.. the sheer will of doing something.. and some of these sports are to me pretty extreme.. I can't imagine barreling down on a luge.. face first.. hitting speeds of over 80MPH.. to me that's crazy.. to them... its exhilarating.. some things are left better to just watch.. haha
Nike commercial.. "just do it"!
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