Monday, October 11, 2010

Dreams.. what do you make of them..

I am not talking about your dreams in life.. I am talking about when you have finally fallen asleep and these thoughts and images take over... some of my dreams are downright disturbing... there are times where I have woken myself up from crying.. or at least what I thought was my screaming.. ya.. in my dream it is.. but not sure if I actually shout out.. or cry so one can hear me.. usually when a dream like that gets me awake.. it does take a bit for me to realize where I am.. and that I am in no eminent danger.. that's the part of the brain that I find quite comical.. the fight or flight mode.. seems I do more fleeing.. haha.. although the last dream I did wake up.. raring to fight.. thankfully I kept my punches to myself..
so back to what do you make of them.?? do you have a tendency to analyze those random thoughts..I can usually sort out where certain thoughts came from.. but then there are some dreams that are so wicked.. I have no idea where in that deep abyss of a brain that it came from.. cuz on the surface.. ya.. it's not there..
Its disturbing to wake up, feeling out of sorts.. I try desperately to put things in figure it out..
Maybe I just look too deeply...
who knows..

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