Yes it's almost that time of year.. the tree is up, no stockings hung yet.. still need to get some shopping done. I am heading to Los Angeles for a week... was hoping I was going to hit some 80 plus temps.. but will have to settle for 70's. Staying at a hotel that has a pool and jacuzzi, and of course a gym.. hoping to get some time in there.. looking forward to doing some shopping, spending time with my kids. I have to admit, living north of the border, and it being so dang cold its hard to get motivated when your freezing your tushie off.. haha.. yes I said tushie! ah well..
I did have a surprise the other day from my dear sweet bf.. I came home after a long day.. had class then had to work. Work wasn't bad it was the class that seemed to last forever! (taking a tax course) anyway I passed the course-still waiting on the results of the 2nd class.. so we'll see (fingers still crossed) anyway.. coming home is always something I look forward to. It's such a joy coming home to someone who wants to see you and spend time with you.. anyway.. he surprised me with flowers!.. (I know! too sweet!) and then.. he shows me his 2 packages he bought.. wrapped for Christmas, and the part that I adore is how excited he is.. he's want to open them? you want to open them NOW? LOL.. YUP a big kid.. and I LOVE that.. cuz really I am like that too.. when I buy something for him that I know he's gonna love, I too want him to open it right away!.. haha..
So one of the gifts he did give me was a beautiful heart necklace!.. on the heart has a infinity on it.. I had to hold back the tears.. I was so touched by the thought that he put into it.. I love the romantic in him.. yup... I love him..
and I am going to miss him next week, I love being with him..I love the fact that we don't have to "do" anything.. just being with him, he makes me smile.. I will try not to gush too much about him... its nice to be able to be with someone that just enjoys.. enjoys being with you as much as you do them!
So as much as I am looking forward to going to LA... I am looking forward to spending another Christmas with my dear man...
Friday, December 9, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
11.11.11 looking back
I am a numbers person.. and I do have to admit.. that I took note of not just that date.. but when it was 11:11 am and then the pm again... its the same thing on my truck.. I watch the odometer as if something miraculous might just happen when it turns to an even number.. or when it hits the 150,000 or 160,000 not sure what I think will happen.. but I do take note of where I am at the time of those significant counts.. like it really matters.. LOL.. it doesn't I know this.. but do you ever think about big moments or maybe the not so big moments.. and you just want to etch it in your memory.. take note of the who, the where, the when and the how of it all.. ya.. that's me.. sometimes.. haha..
Feeling a bit off lately.. not sure if its the holidays coming up.. or just the whole time change.. getting darker earlier.. or maybe its something a lot deeper..but then.. do I really want to dig..?? sometimes when I do that.. I find things that I really don't want to find.. or have to face.. it's not that I don't have the courage to face certain things.. its having the strength to change those things that you don't like.
ah.. feel like I am rambling now.. this is what happens when you can't sleep.. and thoughts just keep coming in your head... silly movie on tv.. that I am half paying attention to.. cat snoring on the couch..
you think that's funny?? you should hear me snore!.. now that's funny.. and a bit disturbing if you're the one being kept awake by it..
have you ever been in a situation where you have people talking bad about you? they make up blatant lies.. just to make themselves look good.. or to feel better.. whatever their reasoning is..
do you over analyze where you are in your life? do you have a 3-5 year plan? are you open to what comes along.. or do you stick to your plan?
do you think outside the box when it comes to your life? or is it more along the lines of 2.5 kids and a house and a dog??
when you face adversity is it with a can do attitude.. or is the towel already in your hand?
and with this social networking world that we are in.. do you know all your facebook friends? or is it about the number of so called friends that you have listed? the one with the most wins?
do you value your time? your life? your friends? your family?
how do you show it
ever feel alone in a crowded room? or surrounded by people you know? yet you still feel very much alone?
ever wonder what other people are thinking? or what makes them tick?
how does your life experiences shape your attitude? are you more patient, or less forgiving?
how do you define yourself? is it the who you are..or what you are?
wow.. lot's in this head of mine tonight.. my apologies..
Guess I will be looking at these questions more closely.. ya.. that's my digging.
Feeling a bit off lately.. not sure if its the holidays coming up.. or just the whole time change.. getting darker earlier.. or maybe its something a lot deeper..but then.. do I really want to dig..?? sometimes when I do that.. I find things that I really don't want to find.. or have to face.. it's not that I don't have the courage to face certain things.. its having the strength to change those things that you don't like.
ah.. feel like I am rambling now.. this is what happens when you can't sleep.. and thoughts just keep coming in your head... silly movie on tv.. that I am half paying attention to.. cat snoring on the couch..
you think that's funny?? you should hear me snore!.. now that's funny.. and a bit disturbing if you're the one being kept awake by it..
have you ever been in a situation where you have people talking bad about you? they make up blatant lies.. just to make themselves look good.. or to feel better.. whatever their reasoning is..
do you over analyze where you are in your life? do you have a 3-5 year plan? are you open to what comes along.. or do you stick to your plan?
do you think outside the box when it comes to your life? or is it more along the lines of 2.5 kids and a house and a dog??
when you face adversity is it with a can do attitude.. or is the towel already in your hand?
and with this social networking world that we are in.. do you know all your facebook friends? or is it about the number of so called friends that you have listed? the one with the most wins?
do you value your time? your life? your friends? your family?
how do you show it
ever feel alone in a crowded room? or surrounded by people you know? yet you still feel very much alone?
ever wonder what other people are thinking? or what makes them tick?
how does your life experiences shape your attitude? are you more patient, or less forgiving?
how do you define yourself? is it the who you are..or what you are?
wow.. lot's in this head of mine tonight.. my apologies..
Guess I will be looking at these questions more closely.. ya.. that's my digging.
Friday, October 28, 2011
rants and raves..
Seems we are that time of the year again.. winding down.. year end almost here.. there is such a crisp coolness to the air.. you have to grab a jacket.. there's no going out without one now.. The leaves on the trees are changing colours and they are starting to fall... I enjoy autumn.. its just different..its the season that brings the most change.. and such beauty along with it.. soon we will be covered in a blanket of snow.. not that it will be warm like a blanket.. but what I mean is.. the snow that covers the once green grass from summer.. the plants that are now in sleep mode.. it covers them.. keeps them.. for me..these seasons definitely slow me down.. (and make me a bit heavier).. but hey.. keeps ya warm right?!.. I find it a bit harder to go thru these changes in seasons here in Canada.. it gets more gloomy than I am use to.. In California.. winter we still had blue skies..probably more blue in winter then in summer.. (less smog.. due to all the winds!) And there were days when it still got to 78 or even as high as 85.. there were some days in January that I was able to put on my bikini.. and lay out in the sun!.. yup.. miss those days!.. I guess that's maybe why I am feeling a bit mellow .. knowing that winter is coming.. and its just so gray.. even this week.. its been blah.. guess I should become a bear.. put on my winter weight.. and just go hibernate.. LOL..
time for a nap.. :)
time for a nap.. :)
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Funny how this so applies to me.. I don't dare let anyone know that I am not okay.. I mean come on.. let's look at this.. I am in my 40's .. and sadly.. I have had many a knock downs.. and ya I know all the sayings..when life knocks you down.. or kicks you when you're're suppose to wipe off the dust and get back up.. and do your best. or if life hands you lemons.. make lemonade.. or my favorite.. get the tequila..
I am just so tired of being knocked down..and ya.. life isn't easy.. I know this.. and it's not that I want it easy I just don't want to feel like shit anymore..
I had a friend tell me.. since my divorce was final that I need to learn who I am.. and to stop defining myself as wife and mother.. or daughter and sister.. well what is there.. I mean ya.. I know I am a good person.. I know I am smart.. well I thought or think I am.. but clearly even that this week I am questioning myself.. AGAIN.. and see that's just it.. how do we stop this.. when everything around us puts us in this box.. we are defined.. so how do I change this..?
Some days.. I get it.. I know who I am.. I know where I am to be.. just read this saying I have in front of my computer.. EVERY TRUE STRENGTH IS GAINED THROUGH STRUGGLE... well then I must be the strongest friggin person in the world.. cuz dang.. I have had alot of struggles in my life!.. LOL.. no really.. haha..
You know.. I look at where I have been.. what I have done.. and it's got me here.. with the knowledge that I have.. yet.. I question it all..
who am I?
what am I doing?
where am I heading?
when does the hurt stop?
how will this all go?
I know the how.. is the journey..and ya.. life is a journey not a destination.. aren't I just full of this.. all these sayings.. and yet.. here I am struggling..
every true strength is gained through struggle..
so maybe I am not as strong as I think.. cuz obviously.. still struggling.. which makes me then think.. I am not thinking right.. cuz if I think I am strong yet still struggling.. obviously.. I am oblivious!..
as they say.. if you think you're crazy you're not.. cuz you're at least concerned..or if you think you're losing it.. you can't be.. cuz you're aware.. who comes up with this crap anyway.. and why the heck is it in my head!!!
maybe that's just it.. I think to much.. haha..
all I know.. is I am tired.. and no not the sleepy tired either..
Kind of funny .. lately..that's all I seem to want to do.. is sleep.. one thing I am good at..
Need to stop allowing others to define who I am..
Need to stop looking at my circumstances as conditions of who I am..
Need to get some sleep.. this time.. ya.. it's the sleepy kind..
I need to find my TRUE NORTH!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Accountability and Common Sense
I just recently saw a video posted onto someone's facebook account.. and I have to say.. I was horrified at what I saw. This person posted a video of a dog, and a kitten who was chained up, and yes the dog attacked and killed the kitten! Of course my insides became enraged with such anger. And yes, I reported the video to facebook, but took it one step further.. I went to this person's info, and they had listed where they live so then I googled the nearest spca to the person and reported to authorities as well. Who knows what will happen. One can only hope that they can track him with his IP address. Seeing how there is so much information that is shared via the wonderful world wide web, have you seen the latest on the smart phones and how you can be tracked to your location via a picture you post on the web. I am just dumbfounded at the evilness of people in this world. At just how many sick (insert really bad word here) there are out there!.. When did we lose the accountability?? when did we become so stupid? how is it that something that should be used for information, can be construed to promote evil and harm!.. It truly saddens me... my hope in humanity..our ability to have compassion.. common sense .. where did it go?? Do we think we are anonymous when it comes to posting such horrific images?? do we really think we can do whatever we want, or feel.. without regards to others?? what has happened to humanKIND!!! where is the KIND!!!
So then it brings me to the next step.. how are we to protect our children from seeing such images.. ? is there such a thing as internet police? sure we have avenues to go after the pedophiles..sure we can use nanny net to protect certain websites from being accessed from underage kids.. but we all know they are easily to navigate around..
as you can tell.. I am still very angry.. and completely disgusted at what is available online.. and please please don't give me this "it's our right".. freedom of speech bs! you may be able to say it..but what gives YOU the right to take away MY RIGHT to not have to view such horrific images and videos!!!
Where is the responsibility.. the accountability.. and good old common sense!??
So then it brings me to the next step.. how are we to protect our children from seeing such images.. ? is there such a thing as internet police? sure we have avenues to go after the pedophiles..sure we can use nanny net to protect certain websites from being accessed from underage kids.. but we all know they are easily to navigate around..
as you can tell.. I am still very angry.. and completely disgusted at what is available online.. and please please don't give me this "it's our right".. freedom of speech bs! you may be able to say it..but what gives YOU the right to take away MY RIGHT to not have to view such horrific images and videos!!!
Where is the responsibility.. the accountability.. and good old common sense!??
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Summer was short and sweet, and sadly there were some things I was not able to do this summer. See my kids is one of them.. would have loved to have been able to spend some quality time with them. I saw them briefly in June.. just as school was ending.. the weather was amazing.. When I got back to Canada.. it still took another month and a bit before we had the warm temps. Would have loved to have done some camping, some fishing and hiking would have been nice.. but it just wasn't in the books. And here we are in the middle of September already... I have started the tax courses again, to get myself advanced... we'll see how that pans out.. this may be my last year here though.. I mean really.. who knows what tomorrow will bring.. maybe for me.. a winning lotto number..? hey I can dream!!..
Dreams.. ya..sometimes I allow myself to get lost in those.. ever sit and think about where you are? what you're doing? I have to admit.. I do that more often now... but when you are alone.. you have the time to dwell.. on things past, present and future.. I know my past got me to where I am today.. the present.. but in that.. I often analyze the who what where and why of it.. especially when you find yourself in that "not so happy place"... ah.. I guess that's life.. some days good.. some not so... the question is.. when its not so... what can you do about it.. is it something you can change?? what are the reasons behind the "not so happy"... sadly for me.. its not always what I have done.. but how someone else has made me feel.. usually by their actions.. or words.. funny how sometimes we do things.. yet we don't see how it might affect someone else.. or maybe we do and its our selfishness that allows us to steam ahead. Be careful who you plow over..
Most of us are pretty resilient, and can take a beating.. (not the physical kind) I am talking the emotional kind. We are still able to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off.. and make a go of it.. But there comes a time when you say enough of this merry go round.. and you just opt out on your own.. easier to deal with frustration when its your own doing.. not someone doing it to you...
Dreams.. ya..sometimes I allow myself to get lost in those.. ever sit and think about where you are? what you're doing? I have to admit.. I do that more often now... but when you are alone.. you have the time to dwell.. on things past, present and future.. I know my past got me to where I am today.. the present.. but in that.. I often analyze the who what where and why of it.. especially when you find yourself in that "not so happy place"... ah.. I guess that's life.. some days good.. some not so... the question is.. when its not so... what can you do about it.. is it something you can change?? what are the reasons behind the "not so happy"... sadly for me.. its not always what I have done.. but how someone else has made me feel.. usually by their actions.. or words.. funny how sometimes we do things.. yet we don't see how it might affect someone else.. or maybe we do and its our selfishness that allows us to steam ahead. Be careful who you plow over..
Most of us are pretty resilient, and can take a beating.. (not the physical kind) I am talking the emotional kind. We are still able to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off.. and make a go of it.. But there comes a time when you say enough of this merry go round.. and you just opt out on your own.. easier to deal with frustration when its your own doing.. not someone doing it to you...
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Day 28 A picture of something that I am afraid of
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Day 21
A picture of something you wish you could forget
painful memories... but I realize without pain... real true pain.. you don't appreciate JOY!!! you can have regrets.. you can have sorrow..and pain.. you have have excitement, and JOY... and happiness too... its your choice what you want to focus your attention on..I chose happiness... to be content.. to have peace.. enuf said!
painful memories... but I realize without pain... real true pain.. you don't appreciate JOY!!! you can have regrets.. you can have sorrow..and pain.. you have have excitement, and JOY... and happiness too... its your choice what you want to focus your attention on..I chose happiness... to be content.. to have peace.. enuf said!
Monday, July 4, 2011
Day 20

A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel
my dream vacation was... Hawaii, Figi, New Zealand, Australia.. I have been to Hawaii, 3 of the islands.. but doesn't mean I wouldn't want to go back :) and saw a bit of Australia.. been to New South Wales and Victoria.. need to go north to the Great Barrier Reef..and would love to see how hot it is on the west..
Day 19

A picture and a letter
These are my kids.. about 10 years ago, as a parent you try to do your best for them. Not that you have to give them everything, but to train them up in the way they should go...showing them the beauty of life, experiencing things with them..from going camping.. to walking the trails in Yellowstone. Even though they were raised in the city, and a very big one I might add..I wanted to make sure they saw as much of this country as we could.. we did many road trips.. they have been to Canada on many occasions, we traveled most of the western states. There is much they still need to see..
Day 18
Day 17
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Day 16
a father and son... TRUE INSPIRATION... now that is LOVE!!!!!

A picture of someone who inspires you
This is a hard one to many people inspire me for many reasons...Terry Fox, (when i was younger, started then!)...Princess Diana...Mother Theresea..Ghandi...Muhammed children...Nick Vujicic, Randy Pausch (amazing man!) of course peeps like Helen Keller.. anyone that has overcome insurmountable odds.. is an inspiration!!!
a father and son... TRUE INSPIRATION... now that is LOVE!!!!!

A picture of someone who inspires you
This is a hard one to many people inspire me for many reasons...Terry Fox, (when i was younger, started then!)...Princess Diana...Mother Theresea..Ghandi...Muhammed children...Nick Vujicic, Randy Pausch (amazing man!) of course peeps like Helen Keller.. anyone that has overcome insurmountable odds.. is an inspiration!!!
Day 15
A picture of something you want to do before you die
I would love to travel to Europe..seeing how I did get to Australia this year.. and that was top on my list.. :)
I would love to travel to Europe..seeing how I did get to Australia this year.. and that was top on my list.. :)
Day 14
A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without...sorry can not find a pic that depicts Jesus the way i pic him....and ya...He is the way, the truth and the light..He died for you..He loved you...before you loved Him..
Day 13
Monday, June 27, 2011
Day 12
Day 11
A picture of something I hate...
well first off if you know me.. it is rare that I use that word.. only cuz it is hurtful.. but there are a few things I really dislike...
1. climbing into a really cold bed when its freezing outside..
2. going to get a glass a milk and someone decided to put the empty carton back in the fridge!
3. having a great dream, and someone or alarm clock wakes me!
4. not a big fan of snakes and lizards.. no really.. I think I will use the word here!
5. giving up on a dream....
well first off if you know me.. it is rare that I use that word.. only cuz it is hurtful.. but there are a few things I really dislike...
1. climbing into a really cold bed when its freezing outside..
2. going to get a glass a milk and someone decided to put the empty carton back in the fridge!
3. having a great dream, and someone or alarm clock wakes me!
4. not a big fan of snakes and lizards.. no really.. I think I will use the word here!
5. giving up on a dream....
Day 9 and DAY 10
Friday, June 24, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Day 6
A picture of a person you'd love to trade places for the DAY....
You know.. I use to think about this alot when I was younger.. who would I want to be.. as I look around I look at the people.. not just those in my life.. but those around me.. the person at the grocery store with 2 shopping carts full of food.. or the guy that just bought that brand new car.. and I have come to realize.. that there is no one I would want to be other then ME.. I don't want to trade my place with anyone.. nor do I want to be anyone else...

You know.. I use to think about this alot when I was younger.. who would I want to be.. as I look around I look at the people.. not just those in my life.. but those around me.. the person at the grocery store with 2 shopping carts full of food.. or the guy that just bought that brand new car.. and I have come to realize.. that there is no one I would want to be other then ME.. I don't want to trade my place with anyone.. nor do I want to be anyone else...

Day 5 of the 30 day challenge
A picture of your favorite memory
This is going to be hard.. I have so many wonderful favorite memories.. with many many different people and different places..
From fishing in Castaic Lake, and the boat motor was not put in the water.. the guy we were fishing with.. says.. hey.. you aerating the lake or what.. which had me busting a gut laughing.. then of course same guy has to go pee and decides to step off the boat to the shore.. and literally the mud sucks him up to his knee!.. he puts his hand up and says.. a little help here.. when we did get him out.. his shoe came off.. now that was funny.. still laugh...
then there was the day I went to the beach with my son James.. who got sand all over his feet.. went to the shower, which had two buttons.. top one is for the head.. and the lower button just put on the water for the feet.. well this kid comes around the corner soaked from top to bottom.. saying.. I pushed the dang wrong button.. again.. great memory!!
Here are some of my favorite pics from my kids.. they always made me smile.. and the memories are priceless!!! They are MY FAVORITE!!! ALWAYS!!

This is going to be hard.. I have so many wonderful favorite memories.. with many many different people and different places..
From fishing in Castaic Lake, and the boat motor was not put in the water.. the guy we were fishing with.. says.. hey.. you aerating the lake or what.. which had me busting a gut laughing.. then of course same guy has to go pee and decides to step off the boat to the shore.. and literally the mud sucks him up to his knee!.. he puts his hand up and says.. a little help here.. when we did get him out.. his shoe came off.. now that was funny.. still laugh...
then there was the day I went to the beach with my son James.. who got sand all over his feet.. went to the shower, which had two buttons.. top one is for the head.. and the lower button just put on the water for the feet.. well this kid comes around the corner soaked from top to bottom.. saying.. I pushed the dang wrong button.. again.. great memory!!
Here are some of my favorite pics from my kids.. they always made me smile.. and the memories are priceless!!! They are MY FAVORITE!!! ALWAYS!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Directions, paths... purpose
do you know where you are suppose to be?? do you know your purpose?? are you tired of being labeled? wife, husband, mother, father, brother, sister... WHO ARE YOU??? I know I am a fighter, (not against peeps but in general) I will fight for what I want, what I believe in, and for those I love..
How do you make a difference? whether it's in someone's life? or for others? what does your attitude say about you?
When people walk by you while you are grocery shopping what do they perceive... are you smiling? are you grumbling? IF you see someone is having a bad day.. do you offer then a word of kindness? or do you think to yourself.. good.. least I am not the only one!..
Diana Ross... Do you know where you're going to!
How do you make a difference? whether it's in someone's life? or for others? what does your attitude say about you?
When people walk by you while you are grocery shopping what do they perceive... are you smiling? are you grumbling? IF you see someone is having a bad day.. do you offer then a word of kindness? or do you think to yourself.. good.. least I am not the only one!..
Diana Ross... Do you know where you're going to!
Day 4 Challenge
A picture of your night
we have some of these nights here in Canada, the closer north you go.. the more amazing this is... and pictures don't do it justice... I remember as a young girl, laying in the pool area on a lounger.. just watching the sky.. and the lights dancing.. truly amazing... guess you can add this to my Day 5 also.. a favorite memory..well .. one of them.. I have many.. stay tuned!
we have some of these nights here in Canada, the closer north you go.. the more amazing this is... and pictures don't do it justice... I remember as a young girl, laying in the pool area on a lounger.. just watching the sky.. and the lights dancing.. truly amazing... guess you can add this to my Day 5 also.. a favorite memory..well .. one of them.. I have many.. stay tuned!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Day 2 of 30 day challenge
A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest
My girlfriend Wendy.. known her since I was 10...and unfortunately..will have to search my computer for a pic.. in the meantime.. picture two blondes!.. LOL
My girlfriend Wendy.. known her since I was 10...and unfortunately..will have to search my computer for a pic.. in the meantime.. picture two blondes!.. LOL
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Day 1
10 Facts about me..
1. Born in Winnipeg, Manitoba first generation Canadian
2. I love with all my heart, you get 100% even on my bad days :)
3. I will try most things once- unless its something I am truly scared of..and even then..
4. don't tell me I can't do something.. cuz I will prove you wrong.. (Leo in me)
5. I have been told I have a good sense of humour
6. You can tell alot about me by looking into my eyes
7. I love animals.. yes even lizards that scare the heck out of me
8. money doesnt make me life does
9. I am me.. love me or leave me
10. I also have been told my laugh is contagious...
oh .. and..
11. I am a cougar.. and I can roar... LMAO
30 Day Challenge
30 Day Challenge
Day 01 - A picture of yourself with ten facts
Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest
Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show
Day 04 - A picture of your night
Day 05 - A picture of your favorite memory
Day 06 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day
Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured item
Day 08 - A picture that makes you laugh
Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most
Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most ****** up things with
Day 11 - A picture of something you hate
Day 12 - A picture of something you love
Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist
Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without
Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die
Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you
Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently
Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity
Day 19 - A picture and a letter
Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel
Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget
Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at
Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book
Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change
Day 25 - A picture of your day
Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you
Day 27 - A picture of yourself and a family member
Day 28 - A picture of something you're afraid of
Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile
Day 30 - A picture of someone you miss
Day 31 - A picture of yourself
Day 01 - A picture of yourself with ten facts
Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest
Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show
Day 04 - A picture of your night
Day 05 - A picture of your favorite memory
Day 06 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day
Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured item
Day 08 - A picture that makes you laugh
Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most
Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most ****** up things with
Day 11 - A picture of something you hate
Day 12 - A picture of something you love
Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist
Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without
Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die
Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you
Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently
Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity
Day 19 - A picture and a letter
Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel
Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget
Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at
Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book
Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change
Day 25 - A picture of your day
Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you
Day 27 - A picture of yourself and a family member
Day 28 - A picture of something you're afraid of
Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile
Day 30 - A picture of someone you miss
Day 31 - A picture of yourself
Thursday, June 16, 2011
just some rambling thoughts... again
I find myself with many scatters thoughts lately.. and strangely enough my clarity usually comes in the middle of the night.. truly!! .. it's amazing what the brain does at 3 am! I have such great revelations.. its just too bad I don't have my computer next to me to start letting it flow..
So sadly yesterday I watched our hockey team.. the Vancouver Canucks lose the final game to the Boston Bruins for the Stanley Cup. I have to say though.. watching the Canucks in the last few games, yes.. they had what it would take to win.. but it's all about the execution and of course how the puck bounces.. literally.. game 6 was just a slam.. watching the Canucks get a power play and it ended up 6 against 3.. and they weren't able to get a goal.. I knew then.. well I thought then.. they don't deserve to win.. I mean my goodness.. how easy can this get..and they were still shut out.. sad.. What was worse was seeing the riots.. after game 7, fully expected though.. I mean this is not a shock... there are those few people that will riot for any excuse.. face it.. win or lose.. the riots would have happened...
I had a friend say... you don't go to a family bbq with a molotov cocktail in your backpack.. true.. and then I did ask.. have you met my family.. LOL.. soooo kidding.. but yes.. the mentality is there.. that was there agenda.. just as it was for the Canucks to win the Stanley cup.. sometimes what we wish for or hope for.. or work so long for.. doesn't happen..
Doesn't mean it won't.. just means.. you got to try a little harder.. for a little longer..
Guess I should implement that saying in my life... so much in my life has changed, it's definitely not where I thought I would be.. not saying that I don't like where I am.. I do.. I am with someone who loves me for who I am.. the good, the bad and the ugly.. of course my hope is that this time it is my happily ever after... isn't that what we all want...
Dream a little longer, always reaching for the stars.. one day..
So sadly yesterday I watched our hockey team.. the Vancouver Canucks lose the final game to the Boston Bruins for the Stanley Cup. I have to say though.. watching the Canucks in the last few games, yes.. they had what it would take to win.. but it's all about the execution and of course how the puck bounces.. literally.. game 6 was just a slam.. watching the Canucks get a power play and it ended up 6 against 3.. and they weren't able to get a goal.. I knew then.. well I thought then.. they don't deserve to win.. I mean my goodness.. how easy can this get..and they were still shut out.. sad.. What was worse was seeing the riots.. after game 7, fully expected though.. I mean this is not a shock... there are those few people that will riot for any excuse.. face it.. win or lose.. the riots would have happened...
I had a friend say... you don't go to a family bbq with a molotov cocktail in your backpack.. true.. and then I did ask.. have you met my family.. LOL.. soooo kidding.. but yes.. the mentality is there.. that was there agenda.. just as it was for the Canucks to win the Stanley cup.. sometimes what we wish for or hope for.. or work so long for.. doesn't happen..
Doesn't mean it won't.. just means.. you got to try a little harder.. for a little longer..
Guess I should implement that saying in my life... so much in my life has changed, it's definitely not where I thought I would be.. not saying that I don't like where I am.. I do.. I am with someone who loves me for who I am.. the good, the bad and the ugly.. of course my hope is that this time it is my happily ever after... isn't that what we all want...
Dream a little longer, always reaching for the stars.. one day..
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
second guessing.. second thoughts..
Amazing how many times a person can think things thru and come to an informed decision.. only to have "life" happen.. and then we start thinking again.. sometimes having those regrets... like in my life.. won't go down the whole rabbit trail here but regrets are a big part of my life.. not sure how much it is for you.. I am constantly second guessing my choices.. now let me make myself clear.. I am in no way a dumb.. or naive person.... if you ask me if I am smart.. I can hold my own.. but I know there is always someone bigger.. better.. and wayyy smarter.. let's just say... I know my place.. anyway... earlier this year I was faced with the daunting task of buying a vehicle..seeing how I killed my explorer.. (see earlier posts.. Dec 22) anyway.. my mindset was truck.. cuz I always wanted a Ford F150 super crew cab...of course 4 x 4 so off I was to shopping... now keep in mind.. I am a woman.. and you would think that shopping would be something I enjoy.. but I don't..I despise off I go with my notebook in hand.. and many many dealerships.. and also private parties.. it finally came down to 2. Well one wasn't willing to deal.. and the other was.. (which was the one I rather have anyhow)
After the mechanical check out.. (off site I might add) negotiations began.. I even brought my dad.. who helped me be the hard ass that I needed to be.. love those salesmen.. they could sell a glass a water to a drowning man!!! but being January.. and they did say.. they would really like to sell a car in January.. LOL.. so I just said.. well you're not selling it to me unless I get it for what I want.. and I come to play hardball.. with that.. he gets his manager... so we neg. and I got a good deal with a warranty..(free I might add for 2 yrs unlimited kms).. that's what I wanted.. for the just in case..cuz that's what I am all about.. the just in case..
so here I am.. only 2 months later.. and yup.. you guessed it..
Truck is in the shop.. finally diagnosed with...head gasket issues.. ah.. thank goodness for the warranty.. ah.. but it doesn't cover it all.. so am I the wiser.. I guess we'll find out... fingers crossed.. sending up my prayers.. hoping this truck lasts me a long long time.. (til I can at least get out of debt!!! )
After the mechanical check out.. (off site I might add) negotiations began.. I even brought my dad.. who helped me be the hard ass that I needed to be.. love those salesmen.. they could sell a glass a water to a drowning man!!! but being January.. and they did say.. they would really like to sell a car in January.. LOL.. so I just said.. well you're not selling it to me unless I get it for what I want.. and I come to play hardball.. with that.. he gets his manager... so we neg. and I got a good deal with a warranty..(free I might add for 2 yrs unlimited kms).. that's what I wanted.. for the just in case..cuz that's what I am all about.. the just in case..
so here I am.. only 2 months later.. and yup.. you guessed it..
Truck is in the shop.. finally diagnosed with...head gasket issues.. ah.. thank goodness for the warranty.. ah.. but it doesn't cover it all.. so am I the wiser.. I guess we'll find out... fingers crossed.. sending up my prayers.. hoping this truck lasts me a long long time.. (til I can at least get out of debt!!! )
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Still cold..
Had to laugh last week we got about a foot and half of snow.. yet again.. and this was days after I heard on the radio that "Marvin the Marmot" something about spring will be here in 6 weeks. Needless to say while I was shoveling for the third time that DAY..I dreamed of laying on a beach.. anywhere tropical. Sadly the cold whipping wind brought me back to reality! Reality was I better keep on shoveling otherwise I'll be up before 6am digging out my darn vehicle!..
Ah the wonders of Canada....
So here we are already in February, and already dreaming of summer...I was chatting with someone who had just gotten back from Mexico and as we were talking..I had a hard time listening to the story, I was more engrossed with the bronzed tan, and how that must have felt, laying on a beach, listening to the ocean, feeling the sun warm your body. The glistening of oil on your skin, and beads of sweat on the stomach.. my finger circling the rim of the cold glass of ... ya.. reality.. see how fast my mind goes somewhere else....somewhere WARMER.. haha..
Well I did manage to brave the snow.. and headed up for night skiing the other night. I have not skied in a very very long time!.. and surprisingly.. I didn't break anything!.. I did wipe out a few times..and of course that just keeps me more reserved...actually got a bit scared when I felt like I was going to fast..and then when my legs wouldn't do what I wanted them to do.. guess that's the joys of beating your body up.. Don't get me wrong I was very much a tomboy growing up..still not quite all grown up yet.. haha.. I have come to learn or shall we say.. have a respect for speed, for my body hitting the ground.. and for bones to not bend! all things I want to avoid!.. thinking when I got hit by that car, did more damage to the mind then to the body.. cuz still .. I don't full out anything...well..let me rephrase that..hehe.. I won't full out anything that requires speed and not being in some kind of body armour.. (picture me in a knights suit) hahahaa..
anyhoo.. back to skiing.. I did have a good time.. once I went down about 3 times, the fear finally subsided.. and then after a few more times down the hill.. I realized I am not in my twenties anymore.. and don't give me this.. 40 is the new 20.. sure in my mind.. but not while traveling on skis down the side of a mountain doing about 5k an hour.. ROFL!... I will most likely be doing that again.. considering it was only 16 bucks, rentals and lift tickets!.. go figure!
Sadly.. we did not get any pictures.. so that day..the feelings, the excitement, the fear, the joy!.. and the great company.. will be etched in this mind, and in this blog!...
Ah the wonders of Canada....
So here we are already in February, and already dreaming of summer...I was chatting with someone who had just gotten back from Mexico and as we were talking..I had a hard time listening to the story, I was more engrossed with the bronzed tan, and how that must have felt, laying on a beach, listening to the ocean, feeling the sun warm your body. The glistening of oil on your skin, and beads of sweat on the stomach.. my finger circling the rim of the cold glass of ... ya.. reality.. see how fast my mind goes somewhere else....somewhere WARMER.. haha..
Well I did manage to brave the snow.. and headed up for night skiing the other night. I have not skied in a very very long time!.. and surprisingly.. I didn't break anything!.. I did wipe out a few times..and of course that just keeps me more reserved...actually got a bit scared when I felt like I was going to fast..and then when my legs wouldn't do what I wanted them to do.. guess that's the joys of beating your body up.. Don't get me wrong I was very much a tomboy growing up..still not quite all grown up yet.. haha.. I have come to learn or shall we say.. have a respect for speed, for my body hitting the ground.. and for bones to not bend! all things I want to avoid!.. thinking when I got hit by that car, did more damage to the mind then to the body.. cuz still .. I don't full out anything...well..let me rephrase that..hehe.. I won't full out anything that requires speed and not being in some kind of body armour.. (picture me in a knights suit) hahahaa..
anyhoo.. back to skiing.. I did have a good time.. once I went down about 3 times, the fear finally subsided.. and then after a few more times down the hill.. I realized I am not in my twenties anymore.. and don't give me this.. 40 is the new 20.. sure in my mind.. but not while traveling on skis down the side of a mountain doing about 5k an hour.. ROFL!... I will most likely be doing that again.. considering it was only 16 bucks, rentals and lift tickets!.. go figure!
Sadly.. we did not get any pictures.. so that day..the feelings, the excitement, the fear, the joy!.. and the great company.. will be etched in this mind, and in this blog!...
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
even in what feels like the worst of times.. there are blessings
On December 22, it was snowing pretty much all day.. the scenery was know the way the snow just sits on the boughs of the trees... breathtaking..

well I had a doctor appointment that day.. and had to head into town.. which was a 30 minute drive. So knowing the weather hasn't been the greatest..decided to head to town a whole hour before the appt. On my way down the hill... I hit ice... and ended up slidding sideways down the hill.. now you may not be the praying type.. but that's the first thing I did.. I wasnt sure how this would end.. and thankful it did end well... I walked away.. although my vehicle which rolled twice, and landed upright!.. and STILL RUNNING.. didn't fair so well.

I am a walking advertising for seatbelts!!! not that I ever rode around without one on.. but this just made me see how important they really are.. I know I would not have walked away from that unscathed.. not with the glass flying everywhere, all I have to say is Thank you God for listening to my prayers.. for GRANTING them to me, and for not taking me out..
well I had a doctor appointment that day.. and had to head into town.. which was a 30 minute drive. So knowing the weather hasn't been the greatest..decided to head to town a whole hour before the appt. On my way down the hill... I hit ice... and ended up slidding sideways down the hill.. now you may not be the praying type.. but that's the first thing I did.. I wasnt sure how this would end.. and thankful it did end well... I walked away.. although my vehicle which rolled twice, and landed upright!.. and STILL RUNNING.. didn't fair so well.

I am a walking advertising for seatbelts!!! not that I ever rode around without one on.. but this just made me see how important they really are.. I know I would not have walked away from that unscathed.. not with the glass flying everywhere, all I have to say is Thank you God for listening to my prayers.. for GRANTING them to me, and for not taking me out..
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