Some days are diamonds.. some are stone.. yeah.. I am sure you have heard that saying.. or heard it in a song.. Diamonds are suppose symbolize the wonderfulness of the day.. and stone..well.. thats obviously for the dark heaviness of the day... what happens when you experience both.. in the same day.. sometimes.. within an hour of each...
One minute I am up.. happy.. smiling.. world is your oyster.. the next.. boom.. you're picking yourself up off the ground.. (hopefully dusting yourself off too) but yeah.. knocks you on your butt.
Today.. is one of those days for me.. and thankfully I don't experience these often but when I do.. wow.. I am thankful for friends that I can rely on... and chat with.
Funny while I was chatting with such a friend.. I was reminded of a hobby I have.. which is stored now .. deep in the recesses of the garage.. buried... not by my doing of course... its a doll house. I have all the furniture for my 9 room mansion. I built it myself from a kit.. granted.. but it was still hard lining it up.. and getting the roof to set right...
I started to do the electric in it.. so the first floor has lighting.. which is always fun to see.. not sure where I went wrong on the second floor..sure I have a short somewhere.. haha...
I did enjoy the furniture shopping for the house.. and was so much more affordable than the adult size.. haha..
Notice how its completely furnished yet not completely built.. typical girl.. haha.. well I will post pics and edit this as I work on it more.. I feel inspired to work on it again...
so thank you friend...
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